Friday, September 23, 2011

Guggenheim Bilbao

Guggenheim Bilbao is full of interesting art pieces, most of which are modern art... And, I don't know about you, but I think modern art is crap. Modern art should be called expressionism because, from what I can tell, the artist is trying to convey something to it's audience. An idea or a symbol of some past reality that once was; however, that reality is not apparent by just looking at the art, you have to read the description. Which, in my opinion, if you are trying to prove a point or symbolize something it should be more obvious. A more interesting exhibit within the Guggenheim is this room that they covered in cardboard boxes and duct tape to look like a cave. Inside the artist put a number of different books, posters, tv shows, etc all to demonstrate the inequality of people within the world. This artist conveyed his point clearly through the extensive cave. Oh! And, a favorite part of the museum would have to be the two Jackson Pollock paintings they have on display on the top floor. The best actual art piece of the guggenheim would have to be the building itself. Frank Gehry definitely got it right with this one.

Anyways enough with my opinion and onto the searching. I didn't get a lot of pictures inside because I was told that I couldn't take pictures after the first three photos.

This is a creepy spider outside that's supposed to symbolize mothers and their protectiveness... Where is the osito? Check the feet!

I took this picture to show the underbelly of the spider, but Herman isn't in it...

These are some sculptures inside the building that I got the chance to take a picture of before I got scolded... If you can't find Herman... Look at the feet.

This is another one of their outdoor exhibits... I wish I knew what the flowers were made of! Look to the right if you haven't found him yet!

These are really cool to whistle in... This one is kinda easy so I won't give you a hint...

This is part of the interior of the building... It's really hard to find him but, can you do it? I think you can!

Here's a hint!

Here's a picture of one of the most well known displays at the guggenheim... The puppy... Which they pronounce: El Puppy - but puppy sounds like poopy... Herman is really easy to find in this picture!

This is the bridge you can see from the picture with the spider, but closer up...

And that's it for this week! I hope y'all enjoyed your little tour of Guggenheim Bilbao!

Next week: Pamplona and Logrono!

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